Information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. Always consult your Doctor, Pharmacist or Nurse for medical advice.
Published on Mar 03, 2025
Authored by Pfizer Medical Team
Being a patient living with eczema or atopic dermatitis, or a caregiver can sometimes be overwhelming. To help take the stress out of preparing for your next appointment, we have developed discussion checklists to guide the conversation with your healthcare provider:
When some people hear the word eczema, they may think of it as being nothing more than itchy skin. But the truth is, people living with eczema may suffer serious emotional and psychological effects.
Eczema is a common condition characterised by dry, red patches of skin that are intensely itchy. The most common type of eczema is called atopic dermatitis. Eczema usually begins in childhood but can begin in adolescence and adulthood.
If you or someone you know is living with eczema, it’s important to understand the condition and how it may be managed. Read on to learn more.
Having eczema can have a negative impact on many aspects of a person’s life. It may affect them:
They may feel frustrated by their disease, angry, or embarrassed by their appearance.
Those with severe disease are more likely to develop other mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
In the workplace
They may miss work due to a flare. Or they may also be unable to perform their jobs well because they’re distracted by the itch while at work or because it interferes with their sleep.
They may avoid pursuing certain types of employment paths (for example, healthcare, food preparation, and hairdressing). They may also feel that having eczema interferes with their opportunities for advancement in their present job.
In social situations
They may avoid interacting with others and shy away from social situations.
They may feel that they don’t have the right words to describe their symptoms to others and are unsure about how to respond to questions people may have (for example, “Is it contagious?”).
Eczema may affect intimacy with their partner.
During daily activities
Eczema can affect common everyday activities such as clothing choices, wearing makeup, shaving, and what they eat and drink.
Stress and anxiety are known to be common triggers that can cause eczema to flare up. This can then lead to even more stress and anxiety which can, in turn, lead to even more flares. Reducing stress and anxiety in your life may help break this cycle. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist about steps you can take to manage your stress and anxiety.
While it can be challenging to live with eczema, there are things you can do to help you manage everyday life. The Eczema Association Australasia and Eczema Support Australia provide helpful tips to manage eczema. You can also talk with your doctor or pharmacist about the following tips and other suggestions he or she may have.
Manage stress
Read, listen to calming music or nature sounds, or practice deep breathing exercises or meditation.
Take yoga classes.
Go for walks.
Start a hobby such as writing, painting, or playing chess.
Make sleep a priority
To relieve the itch that can interfere with good sleep, try:
Taking a warm bath or shower and apply moisturiser.
Keeping your bedroom cool and dark.
Talking with your doctor or pharmacist about other sleep strategies.
Get support to reframe your situation
Eczema symptoms may affect you during your daily life. While you may not always be able to control your symptoms, there are ways you may be able to better cope with living with eczema. For example:
Try asking yourself, “What would I do if I wasn’t having these symptoms?”
Join a support group
It can be helpful to share experiences with other people living with eczema. Consider joining a local or online support group.
Learn how to talk about eczema
Knowing how to talk about eczema may help you feel more comfortable in social situations. Support groups and advocacy groups can help you learn how to address people's comments and questions.
Despite the challenges that living with eczema can bring, there are things you can do to lessen its impact on your life. Talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you have and steps you can take to help manage eczema.
Eczema Association Australasia. Accessed August 22 2022
Eczema Support Australia. Accessed August 22 2022
PP-UNP-AUS-0809 03/25
- Eczema Support Australia: Hands to hold
- Eczema association
- Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
- Itchy kids NZ
- Eczema New Zealand