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HomeYour HealthConditionsCancerTalking CancerSharing your Cancer Diagnosis: Talking to OthersSharing your Cancer Diagnosis: Talking to Others

Published on Aug 28th, 2024
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Authored by Pfizer Medical Team​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Sharing your diagnosis and communicating information about cancer isn’t easy. It can be hard to know what to say, whether you’re talking to family, friends or co-workers. Having other people know can help you to cope better and provide support. Read more to help you communicate your diagnosis.

A cancer diagnosis may feel overwhelming, which is why it's helpful to have a strong support system in place.

A cancer diagnosis may feel overwhelming, which is why it's helpful to have a strong support system in place—but before you can turn to friends and family, you first have to share the news with them. A cancer diagnosis is incredibly personal, so there's no one-size-fits-all way to communicate with the people in your life. It's up to each person living with cancer to decide who to tell and how many details to offer.

Talking about your cancer and feelings can help with distress and provide support. Below, we've compiled some tips on how to talk about your diagnosis with some of the people who may need to know.

Whenever you share your health news, you may feel more comfortable doing so if you practice what you're going to say first. A trusted friend or family member, therapist or support group may help you get comfortable with communicating your diagnosis. You'll most likely find that as you share your news, many people may want to reach out and help however they can.

If you’re not ready to share your diagnosis with those closest to you, talk with your healthcare provider or a cancer support group for help.

Close friends and family - how do I tell them about my cancer diagnosis?

Whether it’s your partner, parents, siblings or dearest friends, it’s important to share your diagnosis with someone close to you. These people can be your emotional and logistical support system as you confront your diagnosis. Sharing the news may be intimidating, but there are a few things you can do to reduce the stress.

First, select a quiet place to talk about your diagnosis. If you're sharing with someone over the phone, let them know you have something important to talk about and make sure you have their undivided attention.

Second, decide in advance what information you want to share. You may want to discuss the details of your diagnosis, answer any questions, and let them know how you want to communicate moving forward. (For example, is it okay for them to ask for updates or do you prefer to share on your own timeline?) This is also an opportunity to talk about the type of help you might need, such as rides to appointments, a companion for doctor's visits or help making meals. 

More than likely, your closest contacts will be eager to talk with you and offer any support they can. If they are struggling to cope, it may help if they speak to a counsellor or go to the doctor or hospital with you.

Colleagues - how do I talk about my cancer at work? 

Depending on your level of closeness with your work colleagues, you may or may not choose to share. Telling your employer and colleagues that you have cancer is a personal decision. If your treatment will impact your work, it may be necessary to tell a few select people, but it's up to you to decide the level of detail.

Communicating with your supervisor and/or a human resources representative can be a good first step to ensure they hear the news directly from you. It may help to:

  • Set-up a time to have an uninterrupted, private conversation in a quiet place to talk about the impact your diagnosis might have on your ability to work.
  • Be open - it can help let you discuss the support you might need and if you might need to organise flexible working arrangements or take a leave of absence.
  • Be clear about what information you are happy to share and to who – remember, anything you discuss with a supervisor or Human Resources representative should remain confidential.

If you decide to share with additional co-workers, first determine how and when you'll communicate this news. It could be done one-on-one with need-to-know coworkers, formally in a team meeting or with a brief email.

Co-workers may have questions and, again, it's up to you to decide how much detail you want to share.

You may simply decline to share more when someone asks, or ask a trusted colleague to field questions and share any approved updates.

Acquaintances - sharing with your social network

There may be some people who are not particularly close friends but might benefit from knowing about your diagnosis to avoid awkward situations.

If there are people in your social circle that you know you'll run into, you may choose to have a mutual friend let them know or come up with a sentence or 2, should it come up. For example, "I know it's been a while since I've seen you. I've recently been diagnosed with cancer. I'm grateful to be surrounded by close friends and family."

Or you may choose to keep your diagnosis to yourself and ask that mutual friends also not share the news—and that's perfectly appropriate, as well.

Children - how do I talk to kids about cancer? 

Talking about cancer with kids can be incredibly difficult, but being open and honest can help them to cope.

If you have children, sharing the news with them is likely a delicate and potentially stressful conversation you'll need to have. While you don't want to unnecessarily frighten your children, depending on their age and developmental stage, it is important to let them know what's going on.

If you have young children, share the news in simplistic terms that they can understand, letting them know you're sick and the doctors are doing everything they can to help you get better.

If you have older children, you may choose to share specific details if you feel they can process it. No matter their age, know that this news will likely feel scary. Let them know they are loved and that you are there to answer any questions they have.

For young children, you may also want to reassure them that they won't get sick and that they didn't do anything wrong. There are many reputable online resources that offer in-depth information on how to share a cancer diagnosis with children. You may want to do some research on your own or pick up a children's book that will help you position your diagnosis in a child-friendly way.  As with close friends and family, sharing with your children will be an ongoing conversation as you help them to understand your health and reassure them.

Useful resources 

Comic books can be a simplistic way to help your kids understand cancer. If you have been diagnosed with Lung or Breast Cancer, these comic books may help you talk to your kids and provide them with information:

  1. Cancer Council. Coping with a cancer diagnosis. Accessed 22 May 2024
  2. Australian Government | Cancer Australia. After diagnosis. Accessed 22 May 2024
  3. Cancer Council. Telling friends and family. Accessed 22 May 2024
  4. Australian Government | Cancer Australia. Talking to people. Accessed 22 May 2024
  5. Cancer Council. Cancer, Work and You. Edition June 2023. Accessed 22 May 2024
  6. Australian Government | Cancer Australia. Impact of diagnosis on children. Accessed 22 May 2024
  7. Cancer Council. Talking to kids about Cancer. Edition February 2023. Accessed 22 May 2024
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