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HomeYour HealthConditionsCancerLung CancerUnderstanding Lung Cancer: A comic book for kidsUnderstanding Lung Cancer: A comic book for kids

Published: Jul 08, 2024
Authored by Pfizer Medical Team

Sharing your diagnosis and communicating information about cancer isn’t easy. It can be hard to know what to say, especially when talking to your children, or kids in your life.

Talking to kids about your lung cancer diagnosis can be incredibly difficult. Having resources, like this comic book, on hand can make the conversation easier and help your kids to cope.

Comic books can be a simpler way to help your kids understand complex topics like cancer. If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer, this comic book, 'Understanding Lung Cancer', can be a valuable tool that helps you talk to kids and provide them with information.

Developed to help children and young people understand lung cancer, this comic book can used as an aid to help anyone - parents, grandparents, carers - discuss lung cancer diagnosis with their children, younger relatives and other kids in their lives.

To access the comic book, view it here or download further below.

Download  - Comic Book
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